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            CIMCP 2017 in Shanghai

            來源:  華匯儀器   作者:  D. Hosner   時(shí)間:  2017-05-28  點(diǎn)擊:   1491 次
            From 2017-04-27 to 2017-04-28 the 2017 China International Marine Corrosion & Protection Technology Innovation And Application Development Forum (CIMCP) took place in Shanghai, China. Lanzhou Huahui Instrument Technology Co., Ltd  (Huahui) attended to present their Tribocorrosion Tester MS-EC3000 and MFT-EC4000 to the interested national and international experts and visitors.

            Venue, Sheraton Hotel. Photo: D. Hosner

            Venue, Sheraton Hotel. Photo: D. Hosner

            Conference room. Photo: D. Hosner

            Participants. Photo: D. Hosner

            Exhibition space. Photo: D. Hosner

            Huahui stand. Photo: D. Hosner

            Huahui representatives. Photo: D. Hosner 

            Mr. Xue Qun Ji visits the Huahui stand. Photo: D. Hosner      

            Interested experts at the Huahui stand. Photo: D. Hosner

            Interested experts at the Huahui stand. Photo: D. Hosner

            Interested experts at the Huahui stand. Photo: D. Hosner

            Mr. Hua is pulling a fortune at the evening draw. Photo: D. Hosner   


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