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            7th International Conference on Surface Engineering

            來(lái)源:  華匯儀器   作者:  D. Hosner   時(shí)間:  2017-05-28  點(diǎn)擊:   1807 次
            From 2016-10-22 to 2016-10-25 the 7th International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE) took place in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. Lanzhou Huahui Instrument Technology Co., Ltd  (CLHIS) attended to present their instruments to the interested national and international experts and visitors.

            Opening ceremony. Photo: D. Hosner

            The CLHIS stand. Photo: D. Hosner

            The introduction of the CLHIS instruments. Photo: D. Hosner

            The CLHIS represantitives.

            Mr. Hua is discussing with experts. Photo: D. Hosner

            Interested experts at the CLHIS stand. Photo: D. Hosner

            Mr. Xue Qun Ji visits the CLHIS stand. Photo: D. Hosner 

            Mr. Zhang Wei visits the CLHIS stand. Photo: D. Hosner      

            Interested experts at the CLHIS stand. Photo: Zhang Jin Hui

            Mr. Hua is giving a presentation. Photo: D. Hosner      


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